Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Expenses 'not important'? (The time Stephen Fry upset me)

Okay, I'm a little late with this one, but been meaning to write it for a while.

So Fry claims Journalists are ‘venal and disgusting when it comes to expenses’. And that expense stories are a ‘journalistic made-up frenzy’.

Don’t take the piss.

Stephen Fry, you are a witty, intelligent man who is well respected, but you’ve also been very lucky in life. You hopped from Cambridge to star in University Challenge to become a massive entertainer in your own right. Not all of us get that break.

As I'm a journalist whose salary is £800 a month after tax is taken off, I think it’s disgusting for Fry to suggest that journalists are the worst for fiddling.

My HUGELY needed £200 going to the taxman each month is being spent on a floating duck island. Thanks Sir Peter Viggers, I can’t go on holiday this year. I hope your ducks are happy.

Whilst I do claim expenses, I get back what I’m due – petrol and parking. And with rising fuel prices, I probably get less back in petrol expenses than what I spend.

Fry may think it’s ‘unimportant’ that MP’s are pissing our money down the drain; I think it’s a disgrace. It may not be important to those on a high wage who can afford to give this money to a bunch of selfish, pathetic, arrogant money-grabbers. But I’d rather keep it to survive on, thanks.

Plus, it is a journalist’s job to report the news. MP’s claiming expenses for banal things with our hard earned cash, is a news story. It WILL be reported.

Keep the MP’s that haven’t abused the system. Get rid of those that have. If they were average citizens, they would be prosecuted.


RB said...

ha ha. I kind of agree. good one.

I just plugged you in my latest post btw :-)

Ben said...

Yeah. Absolutely.